Each November, at Architecture Exchange East, a community of nearly 1,000 professionals comes together to be inspired, make connections, and learn about the latest innovations in the industry. We believe community-driven content is the cornerstone of a great conference — which is why we want you to have a voice in the programming at ArchEx.

You don’t need to be a speaker or do a lot of heavy lifting to help shape ArchEx. Simply let us know what you want to discover.

Is there a topic you’ve been wanting to explore or experts you want to hear from? Maybe you have a panel discussion idea that has been percolating in your head for a while. Or a project you’ve always want to tour. Or a workshop concept that just needs to become a reality.

The idea can be rough around the edges, but we’re looking for something a bit more refined than “sessions for emerging professionals” or “historic preservation.” (Don’t get us wrong. We’ll definitely be curating content on those topics.)

Suggest a session and we’ll help make your vision come alive. Plus, if your idea is selected, you’ll receive a discount code for 25% off your registration. Remember: Our theme this year is re: culture. Submit your ideas before May 31, 2019.