AIA Membership

For information, applications, and membership types visit

AIA Virginia Unassigned Member

Unassigned membership in AIA Virginia is available to any Architect or Associate member with current membership in good standing in an assigned chapter of the American Institute of Architects, as per the bylaws of AIA Virginia. Participation in this category of membership is voluntary and provides benefits for the state component of AIA Virginia membership only and is supplemental to the member’s assigned chapter membership.

Some of the benefits of unassigned membership in AIA Virginia include:
• Participation in AIA Virginia Design Awards program;
• Member registration rates for all AIA Virginia conference and educational seminars;
• May serve as a member of any committee of AIA Virginia.

Email for an application

AIA Virginia Allied Membership

Allied Members are professionals who contribute to and benefit from Virginia’s dynamic design and construction industry.

View the current AIA Virginia Allied Members

Join Online | Download an application

Have a question about membership or your membership? Contact Cathy Guske, Member Services Director at