Call for Proposals
Present a session at Architecture Exchange East in November. Submit your seminar proposals by May 15, 2015. More>>
Moving Forward
Helene Combs Dreiling, FAIA, shares a practical description of how we are already moving forward with significant changes to provide ever-more-enhanced service and support to our members. More>>
Small Firm Round Table at AtlAIAnta
The SFRT has developed educational content, coordinated programs, and created a comprehensive convention experience for small firm practitioners. More>>
Region of The Virginias Reception
Please join your Region of The Virginias colleagues for a casual reception during the AIA National Convention in Atlanta. More>>
June Membership Meeting
Please plan to join us (via webinar) for a membership meeting on Friday, June 19, 2015. More>>
2012 IBC Update Seminars
Sign-up for seminars reviewing the major changes from the 2009 IBC to the 2012 IBC in Virginia Beach and Charlottesville and one on the 2012 International Green Construction Code in Fairfax. More>>
Call for Entries: 2015 Prize for Design Research & Scholarship
The VSAIA Prize for Design Research & Scholarship will be awarded to a faculty member or a practicing architect in Virginia for outstanding design research and/or scholarship in the field of architecture. More>>
Nominations for the 2015 Virginia Society AIA Honors can be submitted starting June 22, 2015. More>>
Abernathy Honored
Duncan Abernathy, AIA, recently retired from the Virginia Society AIA, was awarded a Presidential Citation. More>>
New Architects
Congratulations to the following members for passing their exams and gaining licensure. More>>
Guzy Joins Staff
The Virginia Society AIA and the Virginia Center for Architecture are pleased to announce that Angela Ojeda Guzy, Assoc. AIA, has joined the staff. More>>
New Members
We are always excited to welcome new members to Virginia. The following members recently joined the ranks of Virginia Society AIA. More>>
VSAIA Allied Members
Supporters of the Virginia Society AIA can now be found online. More>>
Look Up and Speak Up
Robert Ivy, FAIA, EVP/CEO of the American Institute of Architects ask AIA members to look up and speak up about issues concerning architecture. More>>
Inaugural Meeting Held
13 past presidents of the Virginia Society AIA got together for the first meeting of the John W. Braymer Leadership Circle. More>>