Morgan Recognized with the Virginia Associates Award

The Virginia Associates Award recognizes the accomplishments of individual Associate AIA members for being outstanding leaders and creative thinkers for significant contributions to their communities and the architecture profession. For 2024, this award is given to Caitlin Morgan, Associate AIA.

Caitlin Morgan, Assoc. AIA, CSI-EP, began her career at the height of the 2020 global
pandemic and has since found her passion for advocating for emerging professionals across
architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC). Her roles at the local, state, and national levels
for professional organizations exemplify her desire to work with industry leaders to ensure that
future architecture professionals receive the education and mentorship they require for a
successful career serving their communities. Caitlin experienced hardships in architecture upon
graduating from college in 2020 when all professional networking and development
opportunities were placed on indefinite holds. Not wanting to delay her goal of becoming a
licensed architect, she set her sights on creating virtual networking opportunities through her
local CSI and AIA chapters where she formed connections that would shape the future of her

Throughout the pandemic, Caitlin continued to pursue professional development and
networking opportunities, culminating in a position on the AIA Virginia Board of Directors as the
2021-2023 Associate Director. Her experience in this role reminded her of how diverse the
Associate membership is within the AIA, consisting of experience levels ranging from recent
graduates to seasoned design professionals. Through this lens, she has tailored her passion for
emerging professional advocacy to include a wider network of AEC professionals and, in 2021,
co-founded Emerge AEC, a virtual networking platform with a mission to improve communication
between emerging professionals in architecture, engineering, and construction by building
community, supporting career growth, and elevating AEC as a whole.

Since co-founding Emerge AEC as a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Caitlin has
forged strong relationships with professionals across the country despite global conditions that
risked setting her back in her professional development. Caitlin continues to pursue roles where
she can work with and advocate for emerging professionals who find themselves at risk of
deviating from architecture career paths – Her passion for strengthening the pipeline of
successful future architects and designers continue to fuel her drive for a more accessible and
diverse industry.

For her service to the profession through AIA and CSI, service to the community, advancing education initiatives, and fostering industry discourse and collaboration, Caitlin Morgan will be honored with the Associates Award at the Visions for Architecture event on Thursday, Nov. 7, 2024, at the Richmond Downtown Marriott.

Celebrate with Caitlin at Visions for Architecture>>

Associated Thoughts: Job Shadowing: 3 Benefits + 3 Tips

In my brief time working in the architectural industry, I have seen the power of collaboration. Those in the industry reaching out and helping me become a better professional have been a key to my success. The powerful action of those that are in front of me in their careers is a gift and I am grateful to have their wisdom and advice as I grow professionally. To this end, I was inspired to give back to those coming into the industry behind and beside me. So, this year, I co-founded EmergeAEC (, a platform that supports emerging professionals across architecture, engineering, and construction so that we can build stronger foundations of communication and education across AEC while supporting each other.

This edition of Associated Thoughts is dedicated to the students and emerging professionals looking for that real-world experience in an architecture office and how we, as professionals working in architecture, can better support these future architects through job shadow opportunities.

How to Professionally Prepare Yourself for Becoming an Architect Through Short-Term Job Shadowing Opportunities

Caitlin Morgan, Assoc. AIA, CSI-EP, CDT

Job shadowing, similar to interning, allows students and recent graduates to observe architecture offices and ask questions to figure out where their passion lies within the industry. Unlike internships, however, most job shadow opportunities are more informal consisting of a few meetings. During these encounters, it is important to have a clear learning objective and communicate with your mentor so that both of you can maximize your time in an architectural office.

The first step to finding a job shadowing opportunity is to reach out to architectural firms in your local area, either over email or with a phone call. Look for architects or project managers that you admire and explain that you are a student or recent graduate looking to learn more about architectural firms and day-to-day activities. They may invite you to their office or schedule a Zoom call, but they may also direct you to some online resources about architecture – both are valuable, and don’t be discouraged if you cannot find a mentor immediately.

If architectural firms in your area are scarce, widen your search range and reach out to firms by asking for virtual job shadow opportunities. A thirty-minute Zoom call to ask questions and hear from an architect is more valuable than giving up your search. Having experience with a diverse range of firms will give you a better idea of the kind of firm and the type of work you will enjoy.

Job shadowing allows you to gain experience in an architectural firm by seeing first-hand the typical pace and process for projects coming through the office. You may also have the opportunity to gain experience, such as schematic design, or learn about which software is being used and why, such as AutoCAD, Revit, or SketchUp. Every office and mentor will be different, so here are some benefits and tips for job shadowing that you can tailor to each opportunity.

Benefit 1: Portfolios & Resumes
Take the opportunity to update your portfolio before reaching out to architectural firms so that the architect or project manager has an idea of your design experience. It also serves as a jumping-off point when you do meet with your mentor by discussing your projects and design process thinking. Throughout your time job shadowing, you and your mentor may also develop a practice project that can enhance your portfolio. Any skills or software you learn can also build your resume by showing you have firsthand experience in an office. Learning these skills and software through a short-term job shadow won’t be enough for resume proficiency, but they open the doors to spend time developing those skills on your own time and for future job shadow opportunities.

Benefit 2: Professional Development
Reaching out to an architectural firm is step one to finding a job shadow opportunity, but that first step contains some of the most important lessons in professional development: Initiative and networking. Taking the initiative to develop your professional skills will open doors that others will not know exist because you are creating your own opportunities. When others see that you have the drive to succeed and learn, people will want to help you, and that is where networking comes in. Talk to your professors who may be able to connect you with fellow architecture professionals and take the initiative to reach out and continue building relationships. Once you have found a mentor to work with, brush up on your interviewing skills; Although job shadowing isn’t an internship or job, it’s a lower-stakes opportunity to develop a professional skill that will again benefit your future job searches.

Benefit 3: Sketching Future Plans
Learn what kinds of architectural firms or projects are the best fit for you by experiencing them first-hand. Firms can range in size from one to thousands of employees, and many of these firms can have vastly different structures and work cultures. Other firms may also specialize in specific projects, such as hospitality, education, residential, etc. with different approaches to each type. Architecture has many branches and specializations, so by job shadowing in different office structures, you will not only be networking with experienced architects but also educating yourself on what office culture will best align with your future goals when you begin your job search.

Tip 1: Job shadowing is short-term.
Plan to spend a few days a week maximum with your mentor. Because you are observing, asking questions, and learning, job shadowing is typically unpaid, unless you are working on a project where your time will be billed to a client. Unpaid internships are illegal, so stay aware of any projects you are putting work into by asking questions and having an end goal for your job-shadowing experience, such as a mentor-mentee project.

Tip 2: Develop a project with your mentor.
Mentor-mentee projects are an excellent method for learning about the architectural development process because you are learning over a real-world, though the hypothetical, project. For example, your mentor may pose as a client with specific requirements for their project, and it will be your job to translate what is in their mind into a floorplan and eventually a virtual model. Having a project also serves as a medium for learning new software or applying new skills so that by the end of your job shadowing, you can highlight this project in your portfolio. To make the most of your meetings, try working on your project at home so that you and your mentor can spend more time in-person (or virtually) discussing your project, reviewing questions, and shadowing around the office.

Tip 3: Treat your job shadowing opportunity like a job.
Establish consistency and effective communication with your mentor early on. Communicate your availability, arrive on time, and act professionally in the workplace. Not only is your mentor spending their work time to support you, but you are also building a relationship for future job references or ongoing mentorship opportunities. Job shadowing is not “your job,” but it is a professional development opportunity that is teaching you skills for your future career.

I started job shadowing in high school when I was enrolled in architectural classes at my local technical center. Those opportunities gave me the confidence to reach out to architectural firms in college and earn my first internship, which turned into a full-time designer position when I graduated from college. Not every job shadowing opportunity will turn into a long-term position, but you will learn more about the industry and develop professional skills that will benefit you for years to come.

If I can offer more guidance or connect you with architectural firms across Virginia, please do not hesitate to contact me. Shoot me an email, connect with me on LinkedIn, or DM me on Instagram through EmergeAEC so we can chat. My contact information is below. Additionally, if you are a practicing architecture professional, share this Associated Thoughts with your mentees or on social media so that we can support more students and emerging professionals.

As always, I’m here for you.

Caitlin Morgan, Assoc. AIA, CSI-EP, CDT
Associate Director, AIA Virginia

Instagram: (@)emerge.aec

Associated Thoughts: Design Forum

AIA Virginia’s Design Forum, held this past June 3rd and 4th in Arlington, was the first in-person gathering for design-centric dialogue since its virtual transition in 2020. This year, the theme “South is Up!” featured Latin American designers and architects and the work they’ve done to improve not only their local communities but their countries as a whole through innovative and relationship-centric design.

Their projects, ranging from multi-family dwellings and single-family retreats to modern art museums and kindergarten school systems, emphasized the role that architecture has on society and the human condition. Thank you to Smiljan Radić – Chile, Viviana Peńa – Colombia, Alberto Kalach – Mexico, and Cazú Zegers – Chile for speaking about your experiences with AIA Virginia and our virtual attendees!

Kristen, Enid, Caitlin, and Cheyenne

Sitting among colleagues and friends as we listened to the effect architecture has made in South America was already a powerful experience, but as an emerging professional in architecture, each message behind the presentations was more impactful than the last. Viviana Peńa’s presentation, titled “Architecture as an Instrument of Transformation,” featured three case studies from her hometown in Medellin, Colombia – community kindergartens, the Medellin Modern Art Museum, and a single-family residence near a forest reserve. She walked us through each of her projects using concise bullet points that explained how Colombia’s turbulent history has changed the country’s political landscape, and how architecture has an opportunity to remedy many of their challenges. Her mission through working on community kindergartens was to elevate the children of low-income families through improved education programs, thereby eliminating the perpetual cycle of generational poverty.

Cazú Zeger had a similar message of increasing educational opportunities for her country’s children, but her passion lies in changing the architecture education curriculum so that students can become the change she wishes to see in Chile’s future. Her architecture workshop for students in Chile achieves that, because as she explained in her “Mondo Nostro – The 21st Century Agency” presentation, man is a part of the natural ecosystem, and designed to integrate into the system rather than on top of the system is a mindset our culture must learn and adapt to.

Meeting in person for Design Forum was especially valuable because it provided an opportunity for architecture students to be a part of our industry’s conversations. I was joined by three Architectural Design students from James Madison University, and the conversations we had over coffee following the conference highlighted how we envisioned our future in the built environment. Cheyenne, Enid, Kristen, and I discussed how design impacts the communities we inhabit, and how architectural academia can adapt to the rapidly-changing society and climate we live in. Students play a vital part in the future of architecture, and their participation and discussion at Design Forum were inspiring. All of this to say – Invite architecture students to AIA events and make them a part of the conversations we are having today.

Feel free to connect with me, too. What are some ways your firm is working with students and emerging professionals? Send me an email or a message on LinkedIn!

As always, I’m here for you.

Caitlin Morgan, Assoc. AIA, CSI-EP, CDT
Associate Director, AIA Virginia Board of Directors

Associated Thoughts: An Introduction

Starting a new year comes with new habits, new mindsets, and for me, new responsibilities! 2022 is shaping up to be a year of growth as I serve as AIA Virginia’s Associate Director, and I definitely have big shoes to fill. Michael Spory’s passion to serve has left a mark on our Virginia communities, and it is my honor to continue his work in creating and maintaining those community connections across Virginia over the next two years. 

Caitlin Morgan, CDT, CSI, Assoc. AIA

My path into architecture has not been linear, but my passion for design has always brought me back. In 2016, I started James Madison University’s Architectural Design program and knew I had found my home. Architecture became such a large part of my life that I wanted more, so I attended some architecture firm tours to better understand the kind of work architects do. After visiting The Gaines Group and hearing about their community-driven mission for healthier and more sustainable designs, I knew I wanted to work with them, and started interning while still a sophomore at JMU. Three years later, in 2020, I graduated from JMU with a BFA in Architectural Design and minor in studio art, and a gained a full-time design position with The Gaines Group. 

Graduating at the start of a global pandemic was terrifying; I didn’t know if I would have a job, a place to live, or even a future in architecture. Everything was put on hold, and while I was fortunate to have mentors at The Gaines Group who looked out for their employees, I knew there were people I graduated with who did not have that same fortune. It felt like a void of missing architecture graduates, and as I started navigating the transition of full-time student to full-time designer/intern, it became increasingly isolating and draining. Where were all the other new professionals? Was I the only one struggling with the school-to-work transition? My Gaines Group mentor and I started monthly Emerging Professionals virtual meetings, where students and young professionals from across the U.S. joined and heard from architects, engineers, and even other emerging professionals about our industry as a whole. Creating those connections was a game-changer! I joined several professional organizations and groups, including AIA, CSI, and Young Architect, and gained my CDT certification through CSI to improve my understanding of the design process. 

The biggest game-changer came when I joined AIA Virginia’s mentorship program, where I met Corey Clayborne and my mentor, Beth Reader. Beth and I met monthly and learned so much from each other as we discussed our perspectives on architecture, her path as an architect and firm-owner, and my questions on how to become an architect that successfully serves their clients, their community, and even their industry. Our pairing was a match made in heaven, so in 2021, we spoke about the benefits of finding and serving as a mentor at the 2021 AIAS Grassroots Conference. I can say for myself that I am the epitome of an extroverted introvert, so giving a virtual presentation at a national conference was a significant step out of my comfort zone. However, after chatting with the attendees over our shared passion for architecture and achieving our goals, stepping out of that zone became a lot less scary. Long story short, that’s why I’m here; to strengthen the future of architecture by starting with the future architects. (…and if you also want to chat about cool designs and historic buildings, I am here for you.) 

Now that I’ve shared a little bit about myself, I would love to connect and hear from you about what your goals are and how I can help you step out of your comfort zone. The pandemic continues to limit our in-person meetings, but I am always available for a virtual happy hour or coffee break, or even a chat over email or LinkedIn. (Although if you’d like to meet my 9 week-old sproodle puppy, Zoom calls are the way to go.)

I am here to represent YOU, Associate members, so let’s chat about what we need to become a successful generation of architects and designers. 

You can email me here:

Connect on LinkedIn:

Caitlin Morgan, CDT, CSI, Assoc. AIA