Designing with Aerobarrier

Aerobarrier is a first of its kind approach to error-free air sealing that provides real-time feedback for control over the airtightness of a building envelope. While the concept of building a tight envelope isn’t new to the industry, the ability to have control over and verify air leakage is; and it comes with a few perks.

No more guessing on the final air infiltration number. (ACH50 or CFM50) No more guessing where the leaks are coming from, training or following up with multiple trades, chasing a smoke trail around the home and spending countless hours with a caulk gun only to find you haven’t met your goal for the final blower door test. We replace the cost of manual labor and sub-par materials with an automated solution that uses the natural flow of pressurized air to seal all leaks in the building envelope.

HVAC design can be truly optimized. This means improved cost control for the project and lower utility bills for the homeowner. The biggest improvement in the HVAC design is the ability to properly design for the infiltration of cold winter air that affects the heating load and humid summer air that impacts the latent cooling load.

No questions on schedule. The entire process takes about a day and requires the building be unoccupied for about 2-3 hours maximum. Following the process work can resume almost immediately because there is no off gassing or lasting side effects from the process.

AeroBarrier uses compressed air to aerosolize a water-based sealant to fill gaps and cracks throughout an entire house in a single application. What makes this sealing application really special is that the air tightness results are reported in real time so you know when you’ve met your goal. Whether you’re designing to Earthcraft, Energy Star, Passive House or PHIUS+ standards, AeroBarrier gives you the control to define air tightness limits and the confidence of guaranteed results.

AeroBarrier Virginia offers air sealing in single-family, multi-family, and apartment construction across the Commonwealth. While the energy savings are impressive for all building types, the ability to compartmentalize in multi-family and apartment buildings gives architects and builders a new level of control over indoor air quality while also limiting the migration of bugs, smoke, noise, and other common tenant discomforts.

Aerobarrier sealant is GreenGuard Gold certified, is low VOC, does not off-gas and has been durability tested for a 50+ year service life.

To find out more about AeroBarrier Virginia, visit their website at or call them at 434.282.4622.