The 2021 Code Development Cycle is underway, and it is critical for architects to have a seat at the table!

Submit code change proposals

The Virginia Board of Housing and Community Development’s (BHCD) online code development system cdpVA opened on Oct. 1 for submission of code change proposals. The tentative deadline for the 2021 cycle is May 1, 2022. We encourage you to submit your code change proposals as early as possible to ensure the greatest amount of time for discussion.

The cdpVA system will be used as the primary source for important information related to the process — including stakeholder meeting information.  We encourage you to check cdpVA regularly for the most up-to-date information.  

Get involved in a Stakeholder Workgroup

General Stakeholder Workgroup meetings will be convened three times during the proposed regulations phase, for the purpose of discussing all individual code change proposals. The following is the tentative schedule for the first General Stakeholder Workgroup meetings:

March 1, 2022: VCC (Virtual)

March 2, 2022: VEBC (Virtual)

March 3, 2022: Energy (Virtual)

March 4, 2022: VMC and SFPC (Virtual)

March 8, 2022: Residential (Virtual)

March 9, 2022: Trades (Virtual)

Meeting agendas will be posted to cdpVA and distributed to the Code Development stakeholders list approximately 3 weeks prior to each set of General Stakeholder Workgroup meetings. The agendas will include a list of proposals that will be discussed at the meeting, as well as the meeting time and virtual meeting links. Make your voice heard by participating in these important discussions.

Descriptions of General Stakeholder Meetings (Subject Matter Groupings)

VCC: Virginia Construction Code (USBC Part I) including USBC Part I administrative provisions; IBC; VCS; VADR; IBSR; and MHSR.

VEBC: Virginia Existing Building Code (USBC Part II) including USBC Part II administrative provisions; and IEBC.

Energy: All technical energy provisions of the VCC, IECC and IRC; does not include administrative provisions.

VMC: Virginia Maintenance Code (USBC Part III) including USBC Part III administrative provisions.

SFPC: Virginia Statewide Fire Prevention Code including SFPC administrative provisions.

VRC: Residential technical provisions of the VCC and the IRC; does not include administrative or trades provisions

Trades: All technical trade provisions (mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fuel gas), including residential trade provisions, of the VCC, IRC, IPC, IMC, and IFGC; does not include administrative provisions.