While we have not been notified officially of any gubernatorial appointments for the 2013 vacancies, the Virginia Society AIA is moving toward selecting and supporting nominees for openings in 2014.
The Society offers its support to candidates who wish to serve the public by leading the various boards that oversee the work of state agencies. While only a few positions are reserved for architects — such as the regulatory board and the Art and Architectural Review Board — many agencies would benefit from an architect’s insight and ability to see several steps ahead, similar to a chess grandmaster. To some, this would appear to be magic. To architects, it’s a daily exercise in rational thought.
For boards requiring architects, the VSAIA is asked to provide a slate of nominees. For other boards, one nominee is fine. Board openings beginning July 1, 2014, requiring gubernatorial appointment are as follows:
- Art and Architectural Review Board – five positions open, one reserved for an architect and one at-large. Currently two architects serve on this extremely important board, which reviews designs for every state-owned project.
- Board of Housing and Community Development – four positions open, one each from the 1st, 2nd, 6th, and 11th Congressional Districts. No positions are reserved for architects. One of this board’s primary duties is to approve updates to the Virginia Uniform Statewide Building Code.
- Virginia Housing Development Authority – two positions open, none reserved for an architect.
- Board for Professional and Occupational Regulation – four positions open, none reserved for an architect. This board oversees the actions of the department that regulates licensed professionals including architects.
- APELSCIDLA – no architect positions open, but three other positions are open, one each for a professional engineer, a land surveyor, and a certified interior designer. This board regulates architects, professional engineers, land surveyors, certified interior designers and landscape architects.
- Board of Historic Resources – two positions are open, none reserved for an architect.
There are other boards to be considered as well. These are only the ones most commonly of interest to architects. Members who wish to receive the support of the VSAIA must send a resume and a letter of interest to Duncan Abernathy AIA at daber@aiava.org for review by the Government and Industry Affairs Committee. For more information about the process or an individual board as well as the commitment of time required by each, contact Abernathy as well.