We have much to celebrate as we conclude our inaugural year. NOMA’s national signature program, Project Pipeline, was a major success this summer. As part of the southern region, we were host to well over one hundred campers, thirty from our chapter. I have promised to begin a year-round workshop for middle and high school students interested in learning more about architecture.

An ARE examination preparation class has been established for our members seeking licensure. We have developed several partnerships with organizations, design firms, and companies that have yielded opportunities to share information, resources, and revenue. We have reached out to NOMAS chapters in our Virginia design schools, providing support and guidance.

A major effort his year was the development of a strategic plan for our chapter, giving us a blueprint for the next three years. Our Finance Committee has developed a financial planning framework for the next fiscal year.

The strength of these achievements is in our board of directors and members who are to be commended for providing leadership to our organization. They have achieved much in a short period. Our upcoming planning retreat will provide the next steps to raise the bar for 2022. 


Kenneth Martín, AIA, NOMAC, NOMAF, NCARB

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