The Branch Museum’s Learning from Landmarks

The Branch Museum of Architecture and Design 2501 Monument Avenue, Richmond, United States

A Reception at The Branch kicks off the evening from 5:00 – 5:45 p.m. Learning from Landmarks program will begin at 6:00 p.m. This moderated interview with Hugh C. Miller FAIA, FAPT, will explore Hugh’s career as the National Park Service’s 2nd Chief Historical Architect between 1979 and 1988. During that tenure, he was the Park Service’s Executive Architect […]

$20 – $80

Webinar: Community Needs and Revitalization in Richmond’s East End — The Kitchens at Reynolds

Zoom Virtual Meeting

Richmond's East End consists of the city's oldest neighborhoods, as well as some of its most under-resourced. A multi-partner revitalization initiative seeks to address the issues of poverty, social justice, and access to healthy food, education, and opportunity that have impacted the area for decades. In this webinar, panelists will discuss how these community needs […]

Webinar: The Branch House Plaster

Zoom Virtual Meeting

The Branch House decorative plaster is some of the most beautiful plasterwork in Virginia.  Unfortunately, the century since the House was built and water intrusion have caused significant damage.  You will see up-close views of the beautiful plaster figures and decorations, including the toll that time has taken on the plaster, and you will discover […]

Healing Spaces – How the Coronavirus May Impact the Built Environment

Zoom Virtual Meeting

The outbreak of COVID-19 quickly revealed how the design of hospitals, schools, offices, public spaces, and even entire cities were flawed in prevented the spread of the virus. How can architects, interior designers, and urban planners apply the lessons learned during the pandemic in rethinking the built environment? In this webinar, panelists will explore the […]

The Branch House Roof, Trim and Windows

Zoom Virtual Meeting

The roof and windows are defining features of the Branch House.  The diamond-patterned windows enhance the medieval character of the building, the exterior woodwork relied on skilled craftsmen to make adjustments on-site like medieval carpenters, and the roof system is a series of pitches with slate and flat surfaces now with modern coatings.  But these […]