Whether you’re planning a residential or commercial design project, finding the right architect is one of the most important decisions you’ll make.
The Firm Directory can help connect you with an architecture firm that’s right for you. You can search by firm name, ZIP code, distance and areas of practice. (You can even click on Advanced Search to search by project delivery method.)
Listings are free to firms with an office in Virginia and an AIA Virginia member Principal.
Click the Areas of Practice/Specialties categories below to view firms who specialize in that area.
- Accessibility/Universal Design (57)
- Athletics/Sports (32)
- Civic/Institutional (76)
- Commercial/Office (114)
- Custom Residential Additions and Remodeling (21)
- Education (79)
- Education: Higher Ed (5)
- Education: K-12 (4)
- Energy Efficiency (55)
- Entertainment (34)
- General (41)
- Government (60)
- Healthcare (53)
- Historic Preservation (67)
- Hotel/Hospitality (54)
- Industrial (30)
- Infrastructure (14)
- Interiors (90)
- Landscape Architecture (12)
- Multi-Family Residential (73)
- Planning (68)
- Religious (51)
- Resilient Design (32)
- Restaurant (68)
- Retail (59)
- Science & Technology (7)
- Single-Family Residential (95)
- Sustainability (72)
AIA Virginia provides the Firm Directory as a resource to the public. Users assume all associated risks.
AIA Virginia’s Firm Directory should not be used for the purpose of AIA membership verification or licensure verification. The exclusion of a firm profile from the Firm Directory does not necessarily reflect that a member or their respective firm are not in good standing with the AIA.
Need to update your listing? Contact Member Services Director, Cathy Guske at cguske@aiava.org