Allied Member Application

Support the 2,500 members of the Virginia AIA with your allied membership.

Membership has its benefits. View them here>>

AIA Virginia allied membership is open to all affiliated professionals, service providers, and product representatives in the building and construction industry.

Complete the online application below or download the application to mail in with payment.

Contact Cathy Guske, Member Services Director at with any questions.

AIA Virginia Allied Membership

  • Month and Day only
  • American Express
    Supported Credit Cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa

Allied Membership Updates

We appreciate the allied members of the AIA Virginia and their support of the architecture profession in Virginia. Allied members will be involved in AIA Virginia events this year including tours, socials, and our annual conference, Architecture Exchange East.

Don’t miss out on your benefits!AIAVA-Allied-Member-Logo

Are you receiving our emails? The quarterly allied membership spotlight has been distributed. The spotlight email keeps allied members informed about opportunities, discounts, and events.

Do you need a copy of the allied member logo?

Has your allied member listing been updated?

Contact Shanelle Calvin, Membership Manager at or (804) 237-1772. We would hate to lose you as a member.