VWiDVirginia Women in Design (VWiD) is pleased to present its second electronic exhibit of work by women architects and designers. The exhibit will be featured in the VWiD’s floor lounge at Architecture Exchange East, the mid-Atlantic region’s annual architecture conference in Richmond, Virginia from Nov. 5–7, 2014. VWiD welcomes work of all scopes and from all disciplines. Designers can submit as many entries as desired. A separate form identifying the designer’s name, firm name under which the project was produced (if applicable), the project, and the work for which the entrant is responsible shall be submitted for each slide. In an effort to include work by emerging professionals, it is not necessary to have been the designer for the entire project, as long as the portion for which the entrant is responsible is clearly stated.
Please complete the entry form and submit it with JPEG images of your design to lmarshall@glaveandholmes.com by Nov. 3, 2014.

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